V. Vertigo Academy International

Vertigo Academy International is a Scientific Organization of International Vestibular Society. Its Academic Program and learning objectives offer substantial opportunities to the fellows interested with the topic. Following 4 successive previous meetings in Turkey, Russia, India and Belarus, the V. Vertigo Academy International meeting is planned to take place in Belgrade.

The scientific impact of the meeting will be significant as very prominent scientists on the topic are involved in the faculty. The Scientific Program of this meeting will compete with the previous VAI Meetings to offer an exceptional experience.

Instructional courses will be organized in a day in advance to offer the participants meeting the leaders of the vestibular science.

There will also occasion to submit personal presentations as posters, that will also have the opportunity of competing for a prize.

We are looking forward welcoming you in Belgrade.

Prof. Dr. O. Nuri Ozgirgin


VAI-5 is being organized in Belgrade. The dates are 9-11 March 2023. Please mark in your calendar.

The website for the meeting is:    https://vai2023.org/en

The mail address is:                         info@vai2023.org