
International Vertigo Society - Bylaws

The registration of the Society is held in Ankara - Turkey by the Governorship
Regulation issues concerning the business of the International Executive Committee

NAME: The name of this Corporation shall be the International Vertigo Society (IVS). The registered office of IVS is located in Ankara.


  • The purposes of the Society as stated in its Certificate of Incorporation are:
  • To motivate all scientific branches related with Vestibular disorders in terms of clinical research and studies.
  • To engage higher standards on vestibüler knowledge and education, to organize worldwide meetings, courses and conferences.
  • To motivate the colleagues involved and interested in Vestibular Medicine especially from ENT and Neurology
  • To create awareness on contemporary knowledge and diagnostic and therapeutic techniques on Vestibular medicine.
  • To stimulate education programs on Vestibular medicine by collaborating with the organizations and clinics worldwide.
  • Creating working groups and protect Vertigo Academy International as being the main Scientific Structure.


Member: Any M.D. physician and Ph.D. scientist related with otology, neurotology and audiology, who maintains a professional interest in, and has made a recognized professional contribution to the purpose of the society with at least three years of experience after having completed the residency are eligible for active membership. In addition, candidates without these degrees but with other extraordinary professional qualifications may be eligible.

Candidates to active membership must be presented by an active member. The application form should include a current curriculum vita signed by the proposing active member. Letters of recommendation are not required.

Members are required to pay dues.


The management of the affairs and business of the Society will take place in the Executive Committee. The executive committee meet every two years during the regular scientific meetings. Special meetings of the executive committee will be called by the president or by any five members of the executive committee.

The executive committee is formed by nine members, and Honorary President

The term of office for each executive committee member is two years. The members can be re-elected.


The officers will be the Honorary President, President, Past-President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer

The Officers shall have all the powers of the Executive Committee of the business affairs of the Society when the Executive Committee is not in session.

The Past-President will support the President with the experience that he has gained during his presidency.

The Vice-President will aid the President in the society’s business and affairs and will become the president when the active president’s office comes to an end.

The Secretary will keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and working groups. The Secretary will notify all members of Executive Committee and advisory committee, of the site and dates of the following meetings.

The Treasurer shall have custody of the corporate funds and securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts in the business books of the society.


The Scientific Meetings are conducted by Vertigo Academy International, in every other year.


The bylaws have been revised and approved by the executive committee during the business meeting performed in Minsk - Belarus, on 26 April 2019.

The temporary Executive Committee is formed by:

Honorary President:


Vice President:



Jacques Magnan (France)

O. Nuri Ozgirgin (Turkey)

Angel Ramos (Spain)

Soumit Dasgupta (UK)

Robert Gurkov (Germany),
Herman Jenkins (USA),
Michel Lacour (France),
J. Antonio López Escamez (Spain),
Avi Shupak (Israel),
Maurizio Barbara (Italy)